Private Lesson: (Mon) 9:30AM-10:00AM
Riverside Park • 1800 Citizens Drive Benton, AR 72015 Organized by City of BentonAbout this event
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(Mon) 9:30AM-10:00AM30 min private swim lessonsReservations must be made in advance.Please arrive showered already in your swimsuit. Bring a towel and goggles.
Price is $30 for 30 minutes for members and non-members
Additional family members who watch or assist with the lesson will not be charged admission.
We will attempt to honor requested instructors, but the instructor may vary based on staffing.
Registrations can be made online or at our front desk.
(Mon) 9:30AM-10:00AM30 min private swim lessonsReservations must be made in advance.
Please arrive showered already in your swimsuit. Bring a towel and goggles.
Price is $30 for 30 minutes for members and non-members
Additional family members who watch or assist with the lesson will not be charged admission.
We will attempt to honor requested instructors, but the instructor may vary based on staffing.
Registrations can be made online or at our front desk.
River Center Natatorium
Age and Gender
Private Lesson: (Mon) 9:30AM-10:00AM
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