Sure, we cyclists may be an unorthodox, shall we say “particular” group of athletes, but that doesn’t mean it takes much to please us. While dropping 5 Gs on a custom carbon road bike with electronic shifting is nice and all, it’s really the little things in life that keep us riding.
There's nothing better than a little help from your friends. And tailwinds are our BFFs.
It's like Christmas but without the chubby, bearded guy (although cycling has plenty of those guys, too).
And feeling like you can now literally do anything.
Everyone takes a turn and no half-wheelers allowed!
Why do all the work? Who are you trying to impress?!
The one sure-fire way to feel like a kid again.
Gotta replenish those calories somehow, right?!
Is there anything better?
Who doesn't like mud, sand, people covered in mud, random obstacles and more mud?
Oh, you didn't know that was a segment? #sorrynotsorry
Never leave home without it.
Basically like gliding on ice.
Or burgers. Or PIZZA! #nomnom
PRs are nice but making sure everyone else knows about them is even better.
Thank you for not mowing me down.
Feels so good when it hits your lips!
About the Author Elizabeth Grimsley is the editor of After finishing a somewhat successful yet injury-prone gymnastics career, she attended the University of Georgia where she studied magazine and sports journalism and was named the first Conrad Fink Scholar. Since then, Grimsley made a pit stop working for USA Triathlon before finally relocating from Atlanta to Dallas. In her free time, she enjoys constantly being disappointed by Georgia sports, completely consuming herself in the “gymternet” and pretending she’s a better photographer than she probably is. You can follow her on Instagram and Twitter .