21 Things Cyclists Absolutely Love

Elizabeth Grimsley
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Sure, we cyclists may be an unorthodox, shall we say “particular” group of athletes, but that doesn’t mean it takes much to please us. While dropping 5 Gs on a custom carbon road bike with electronic shifting is nice and all, it’s really the little things in life that keep us riding.
A tailwind on the back half of a long ride.
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There's nothing better than a little help from your friends. And tailwinds are our BFFs.
New shoes. Or a new helmet. Or a new kit. Hell, any new gear!
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It's like Christmas but without the chubby, bearded guy (although cycling has plenty of those guys, too).
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Finally nailing that KOM or QOM you've been chasing.
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And feeling like you can now literally do anything.
A well-organized group.
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Everyone takes a turn and no half-wheelers allowed!
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Why do all the work? Who are you trying to impress?!
New bike day!
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The one sure-fire way to feel like a kid again.
A post-ride pint.
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Gotta replenish those calories somehow, right?!
Espresso. #CoffeeWatts
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So Euro.
The rush of a satisfying descent after a serious, leg-screaming climb.
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Is there anything better?
'Cross season. #crossisboss
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Who doesn't like mud, sand, people covered in mud, random obstacles and more mud?
Town sign sprints.
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Oh, you didn't know that was a segment? #sorrynotsorry
Chamois Butt'r.
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Never leave home without it.
The perfect snot rocket.
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Clears ya right up!
A newly paved stretch of road.
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Basically like gliding on ice.
Post-ride burrito(s).
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Or burgers. Or PIZZA! #nomnom
A 7-11, 3 hours in.
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Strava PRs.
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PRs are nice but making sure everyone else knows about them is even better.
Considerate motorists.
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Thank you for not mowing me down.
An outta nowhere downpour on a hot, summer ride.
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Wet socks = worth it.
Mexican Cokes.
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Feels so good when it hits your lips!
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