Skip Eating at Your Desk
1 of 10You want to pour every minute you can into your project at work, so you eat at your desk because it's time efficient. However, studies show that if you move more throughout the day, you increase your energy and productivity at work. Why not walk and munch instead of working and eating at the same time? All you need is 15 to 30 minutes to re-energize and refuel.
Take the Long Route for a Bathroom Break
2 of 10When nature calls, you've got to get up and go. Instead of taking the shortcut, take the longer way to the bathroom. Voila! You've just added an extra 50 steps to your day.
Drink Less, Walk More
3 of 10You still need to drink plenty of water throughout the day. But instead of filling up your large 32-ounce water bottle, fill up a 16-ounce bottle. It will force you to get up more frequently and walk to the kitchen for refills.
Take Your Meetings Outside
4 of 10Meetings can be boring and unproductive—sometimes. Instead of staring at a screen, reboot everyone's energy. Take your ideas and your colleagues outside for a 30-minute walk. Not only will this get your steps in, but you'll get your creative juices flowing better than if you'd been sitting in a stale conference room.
No-Sit Phone Call
5 of 10Just like taking your meetings outside, take your calls on a stroll. If the outside noise is too loud for your call, stroll around the office or just try marching in place.
Make a Game of It
6 of 10Pick a common word used throughout your office. Any time you hear someone say that word, get up and do a lap or march in place 20 times. Get a colleague involved, too—it's fun to chat at the end of the day about how many laps you had to do after hearing the word several times.
Try the Pomodoro Technique
7 of 10Create an objective: for instance, getting up to walk at least four times throughout the work day. Then set you a timer on your computer or phone that reminds you to get up and walk. Find out how to become a master of the Pomodoro Technique.
Sometimes You've Just Gotta Dance
8 of 10Do the Wobble or the Cupid Shuffle (seriously)! The footwork and coordination it takes to do these dances adds major steps to your count, not to mention some extra leg, butt and core work. What do you have to lose? Throw on the tunes and start to wobble it.
Three More Entertaining Ways
9 of 10These days we want everything done quickly. But fast frequently takes away from movement. So instead of letting the dogs go potty in the backyard, take them on a walk—even five minutes around the block is better than nothing.
Taking the train? Hop off one stop early and walk the few blocks to wherever it is you're headed. It's an excellent way to sneak in more steps, as well as the perfect opportunity to explore your city on ground level.
Lastly, don't stick your kids in front of the TV to keep them busy. Play hide and seek. They'll burn off energy, and you'll get your heart rate up and your legs moving.
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