Planks and push-ups are two powerful, full-body exercises that rarely receive the credit they deserve. Adding these two moves into your regular workout routine can help you sculpt and tone your body faster than if you lifted weights and did 100 crunches.
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The plank is most commonly known as an abdominal exercise and the push-up is known to strengthen the chest and shoulders. However, the plank works more than your core, it tests your arm strength and lower body stamina.
The push-up uses muscles from head to toe (shoulders, arms, core, glutes, quads, back) not just the upper body. The combination of these two efficient exercises allows you to challenge your entire body in the least amount of time.
More: Spice Up Your Core Workout With These Variations
Push yourself past your limits to start changing the shape and strength of your body. Do these two exercises for 30 days and watch your body get stronger.
30-Day Plank and Push-up Challenge Schedule
- Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday: PLANK
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday: PUSH-UPS
- Saturday: CHALLENGER'S CHOICE (Rest, Repeat or Test)
How Many To Do
This is a progressive schedule that will gradually let you build on your current level of strength and fitness. The stronger you get, the longer you hold your plank and the more push-ups you do.
More: 30-Day Fitness Challenge