Q: How can I make strength-training more interesting so that I stick with it?
Stay motivated with this 3-week body makeover plan.
Start with the "Show-Off" Muscles
Your biceps and shoulders are usually the easiest spots to tone—in as little as 2 weeks—so target them first. Even if you work only those areas, you'll be inspired to do more once you see results.Exercise in Front of a Mirror
Beyond checking your form, seeing your muscles in motion will highlight new definition. That may be one reason women rate their reflections highest following a workout.
Lift to the Beat
Studies show music helps exercisers run and bike faster and longer. I've seen it inspire weight lifters too. Choose songs with a strong beat or empowering lyrics, like Imma Be by the Black Eyed Peas, my current fave. Stay energized all day with these mood-boosting tips.
Make It a Game
Set 2-week challenges to stay on track. For example, aim to double the number of seconds you can hold a plank, or move up to heavier dumbbells.Tone in Tandem
Working out with others helps the time fly, makes you accountable, and is simply more fun. Lift with your spouse at home, join a friend at the gym, or sign up for a class to meet new people. Even a DVD can offer camaraderie. I like The Biggest Loser: Last Chance Workout for strength-training.Here are 8 slim-down strategies from The Biggest Loser trainers.