The Circuit: an Overview
1 of 10Photo by Jessica Botte
- Sprints Intervals - Box Jumps - Sled Pushes - Single-leg Jumps - Battle Ropes - Shuffles
Sprint Intervals
2 of 10Photo by Jessica Botte
You can use a treadmill or do these outside. If you do sprints outdoors, make sure you have access to a stopwatch. Start with a five-minute warm-up at a manageable pace. Make it something that you could do for a while; this is not meant to tire you out. You can even a walk. Just get your legs warmed up. - Sprint for 10 seconds - Jog for 50 seconds - Sprint for 20 seconds - Jog for 40 seconds - Sprint for 30 seconds - Jog for 30 seconds - Sprint 40 seconds - Jog 20 seconds - Sprint 50 seconds - Jog 10 seconds - Sprint 60 seconds
Sprints on a Track
3 of 10If you're running on a track, try this sprint interval workout. - Five-minute warm-up - Sprint 50 meters - Jog 350 meters - Sprint 100 meters - Jog 300 meters - Sprint 200 meters - Jog 200 meters - Sprint 200 meters - Jog 200 meters - Sprint 300 meters - Jog 100 meters - Sprint 400 meters
Box Jumps
4 of 10Photo by Jessica Botte
Stand about a foot away from a step or box, keep your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees in a half squat, and swing your arms down and back behind your hips. Then jump up and forward, swinging your arms in front and above your head. Using your arms will not only engage your core, but also propel your body higher with less effort from the legs. Do 20 Box jumps at your own pace.
Sled Pushes
5 of 10Lower down so your back is flat and hips are low. Explode forward; push as hard and as fast as you can for 100 feet. Make sure to pick a weight that's heavy, but not impossible to push. If you don't have access to a sled, then do a sprint for 200 feet.
Single-Leg Lunge
6 of 10Photo by Jessica Botte
Start with your feet together. Lunge your right leg back as you reach for the floor with your right hand. Your left hand stretches out behind you (it looks like your starting a race). Then in one move, pull your right leg up (knee to your chest) and swing your left arm forward and up to the ceiling as you jump off of your left leg. Land on your left leg and send your right leg back to start position. Do eight reps on the right leg and then switch sides.
Battle Ropes
7 of 10Photo by Jessica Botte
There are tons of exercises that can be done with ropes; here's one example—The Quick n' Low. Wrap the rope around a sturdy post or heavy weight so it won't move. Hold both ends of the rope, sit in a half squat (or full if you're feeling adventurous), and quickly move the ropes up and down in front of your chest. The faster you move the better. Imagine an 8"x8" box hovering directly in front of your chest. Don't let your hands leave that imaginary field. Do this for 15 seconds.
8 of 10Photo by Jessica Botte
This is a good agility drill. Sit in a half squat (ready position), move quickly two steps to the right, touch the ground with your left hand, and keep your chest up. Shuffle two steps left and touch the ground with your right hand. Do 10 shuffles to each side.
Take a Break
9 of 10Photo by Jessica Botte
After one round, take a break for a few minutes and then do it again. Maybe one round is all you can handle at first. That's OK. Push yourself and try to finish two rounds, or even three (if you're feeling adventurous). Each round should take you about 20 to 30 minutes.
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