Little Black Dress Workout Routine

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No matter what event you have to attend, you always want to look your best, right? Whether you're going to family gatherings, big feasts or holiday parties, there are many occasions when you'll want to don your best little black dress. Erin Truslow, a USA Cycling and USA Triathlon coach who founded Big Pistachio Coaching and Training in Austin, Texas and a master personal trainer, has the eight moves that are guaranteed to get you ready to slip into your party dress. These moves should be done in order and repeated up to three times in a session for the best results. Beginners should aim to do each move for 45 seconds, Truslow says. Intermediate athletes should do each move for one minute and advanced up to 90 seconds, with a maximum of 30 second rest between exercises and 2 minutes between rounds, Truslow says. Photos courtesy of Erin Truslow.
Move One: Burpees
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Squat down and put your hands on the ground, just wider than shoulder width. Shoot your legs back behind you and drop your chest to the ground. Driving from your hips, bring your feet back up under you and jump up. Keep the movement going continuously the entire minute. If you need a break, go back to a basic body squat and keep going.
Move Two: X-Over Push-ups
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Start in the plank position with hands slightly wider than shoulders and shoulders in direct line with the hands (not behind). Keep your legs straight and core tight, not letting the lower back sway. Slowly lower yourself toward the floor by bending the elbows and keep about 2 to 4 inches above the ground. Push back up using the chest and triceps muscles to the initial plank position.
Move Two: X-Over Push-ups Continued
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At the top of the push-up, cross your right hand over your left, move the left arm out to a push-up position and do a push-up. At the top of the second push-up, cross the left hand over the right and repeat whole series. Keep your head and neck in neutral alignment with the spine. Don't drop your nose to the floor first.
Move Three: Liberty Lunges
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Starting from the standing position, step to your right and into a side lunge keeping the left foot in place. As you lunge to the right, keep the back flat and core engaged. With both arms, touch the ground in front of the right foot (with or without a weight). Then, slowly draw the arms up as you push off from the right foot back to standing position. Repeat lunge on opposite side. Concentrate on using the inner thighs and engaging the core through the lateral movements.
Move Four: Bent-over Rows
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Using some medium to heavy weights, stand with knees soft, core engaged and arms hanging by your side. With control, forward fold with a flat back and soft knees to about 45 degrees and row the arms back, squeezing posteriorly bringing the weights to your lower rib cage. Then, release the weights back down to straight arms and with a strong core stand upright.
Move Five: One-Leg Hip Lifts with Abduction
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Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet near your hips (you should almost be able to touch your heels with your fingertips). Keeping your arms at your side, lift your hips off the ground by squeezing your glutes and activating your hamstrings to create the "bridge" position. Then, extend one leg out at a 45-degree angle.
Move Five: One-Leg Hip Lifts with Abduction Continued
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With the toes pointed up, abduct the leg about 12 inches or however far you can move your leg outward while keeping balance and your toes pointed toward the ceiling. Bring the leg back in, bend the knee, return the hips to the floor. Repeat on the other side.
Move Six: Tricep Dips with One Leg
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From the 4-point position (hands and feet on the ground and hips lifted, facing up), bring your hips up high and tighten through your core. Lift and extend your right leg off the ground, holding a 45-degree angle. Slowly, bend at the elbow and lower your upper body down, about 2 to 4 inches, depending on your shoulder and tricep strength and flexibility. Remember to keep the hips lifted and the glutes engaged. Repeat the dip for 30 seconds, then switch sides and repeat.
Move Seven: Plank with Leg Lifts
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In a plank position, hold yourself up on your elbows to forearms. Make sure your elbows are directly under your shoulders and your body is in a straight line. Raise the right leg about 6 to 8 inches off the ground, squeezing through the glutes. Lower and repeat on the left leg. Keep the core engaged at all times and be sure not to raise or lower the hips.
Move Eight: Side Plank with Hip Drop
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Lying on your side, stack your elbow under your shoulder and scissor step your feet or stack them on top of each other for a more advanced position. Lift your hips off the ground, and then slowly lower your hips to just above the floor. Repeat the movement while keeping the core tight and maintaining a perfect diagonal line from the head to the toes. Be sure to keep your hips stacked and don't let the hips rotate to the back. Repeat the hip lifts for 30 seconds and switch sides to repeat.