Super Bowl Sunday is right around the corner. Aside from a big game to watch, it also means a lot of us will be eating, drinking, yelling and feeling terrible the next day because of the calorie overload during the game. Why not do a few exercises throughout the game to ease the guilt about eating four cheese burgers and drinking 10 beers.
Incorporating these quick exercises can be a fun way to make fitness part of your Super Bowl Sunday. Are you up for the challenge?
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Touchdown Pushups
Every time your favorite team scores a touchdown, do that many pushups. For example, if your team scores a touchdown and the extra point, you need to do seven pushups. However, those rooting against your team now have to do double that amount at 14 pushups (and vice versa). Yes, it's payback.
Penalty Crunches
This is where you want your favorite team to play a clean game. When your favorite team gets a penalty and the flag is thrown, you have to do crunches, as measured by the yards penalized and multiplied by five. For example, if there is a five-yard penalty, then 25 (5x5=25) crunches are warranted. If there is a 15-yard penalty, then 75 crunches need to be completed. For the die-hard fitness fanatics, do old school, full sit-ups.
Burpee Coach Challenge
If the coach of your favorite team wins his red flag challenge, you need to celebrate by doing as many burpees as you can in a minute. A burpee is when you start in plank, do a pushup, and then hop up to standing, and drop back down again. When you are done, you can challenge any opposing fan in the room to do the same amount. Pass the burpee love around.
Super Bowl Sunday is a day of fun. It's possible to have an awesome time watching the game with your family friends, and burn a few calories while you're at it. You not only get to work those muscles, but you also get to enjoy friendly competition challenging the opposing fans at your party who are rooting against your team. This is an excellent way to show your friends and family that you care about their health. Have a fun and safe football day.