Work Off Your Turkey Feast: Pre- and Post-Thanksgiving Workout

The average American consumes 3,000 calories during Thanksgiving dinner, according to ACE Fitness. Add in the appetizers and other meals throughout the day and you’re looking at a caloric intake that’s about 4,500 to 5,000 calories. In one day you’ve gained 1 to 2 pounds—3,500 calories equals 1 pound of fat, according to the American Society for Nutrition. And don’t forget about all the left overs; that’s just screaming more calories.

Thanksgiving, and the holiday season, seems like a weight-gain trap. Instead of depriving yourself from the delicious meal, boost your metabolism to burn fat and calories.

This workout focuses on bodyweight exercises, so you can take this routine anywhere. You’ll move in all planes of motion. Plus, there are modifications for all fitness levels. You’ll target your endurance muscles, so avoid long breaks and keep the tempo up.

Have a question about any of the following moves? Contact Michael for more information. Photos by Rachel Pogrow

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