Yoga Poses That Boost Metabolism

Burn more calories, strengthen your core, and speed up your metabolism with this slimming series of yoga poses.

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Slim Down
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Try this 10-minute series from yoga expert Kristin McGee and you'll help your metabolism by strengthening your core. Flow through it (once on each side) 3 to 5 days a week.
Dog Split
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Begin on hands and knees. Exhale; lift knees, push hips up, straighten arms and legs. Inhale; lift right leg as high as possible.
Knee to Nose
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Inhale; round back, scoop in abs, and pull right knee to nose. Exhale; kick leg up to Dog Split.
Knee to Right Shoulder
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Inhale; round back and bend right knee, opening it out to the side. Bring right knee to right shoulder. Exhale; kick leg up to Dog Split.
Knee to Left Shoulder
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Inhale; bring right knee in and across body toward left shoulder. Exhale; kick leg to Dog Split.
One-Legged Plank
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Inhale; lower hips, move torso forward so shoulders are over hands; keep right leg up; hold. Exhale and lower leg. Raise hips; return to start. Repeat entire series on left.
Yoga Burpee
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To get a strong body and get your heart rate up, try this burpee exercise.
Shop for Yoga Gear
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Check out Active GearUp for discounts on yoga essentials from your favorite brands.