But if you can look past all that, you will find some of the most fiercely loyal and devoted significant others out there—with just a few quirks.
1. Happy hour will never be the same again.
1 of 17If it isn't Paleo, you can forget about it. We're not about to ruin all that hard work for some sugary death trap.
Fitness Classes Near You2. We know what it means to work hard.
2 of 17CrossFit isn't for the faint of heart. Looking at those WODs can be intimidating, and it takes serious physical toughness to grit through them. We are willing to put in the work, no matter the challenge.
Fitness Classes Near You3. The words "snatch" and "clean and jerk" are only funny to you.
3 of 17These words are a big part of our world. We don't know why you're giggling so much.
Fitness Classes Near You4. When you're on vacation, be prepared to snap way too many photos.
4 of 17Specifically handstand and/or pistol photos at every scenic location. If we don't CrossFit there, how will anyone know we even went?
Fitness Classes Near You5. You'll get used to bruises.
5 of 17Bruises on the collarbone and thighs are common with CrossFitters, so don't worry too much if we come home looking like we got jumped.
Fitness Classes Near You6. Same with bloodied hands.
6 of 17Ripped and bloody hands are par for the course. But please, don't ever suggest weightlifting gloves because those just aren't going to happen.
Fitness Classes Near You7. You'll have the world's biggest cheerleader.
7 of 17Walk into any box in America and you'll find the fittest athletes energetically cheering on the slowest ones. CrossFitters are in this together, and we will be your strongest support system both in the gym and out.
Fitness Classes Near You8. CrossFitters aren't scared to splurge when it's important to them.
8 of 17CrossFit isn't cheap. Most people gulp at the price tag of a monthly CrossFit membership, but we know the right things are worth the money.
Fitness Classes Near You9. We take our shoes seriously...maybe too seriously.
9 of 17Nike Metcon vs Reebok Nanos is a real debate, and don't you ever forget it.
Fitness Classes Near You10. We have mental fortitude.
10 of 17CrossFit workouts can be challenging, but we know how to suck it up and push through the pain—physically and mentally. Hanging in there through hard times will be no problem for us.
Fitness Classes Near You11. We're usually low maintenance.
11 of 17A CrossFit box doesn't have any bells and whistles; most gyms don't even have air conditioning, and the heat isn't turned on until late in the winter.
If we choose to spend all that time at a place with minimal frills, at least you know we won't be over-the-top about life.
Fitness Classes Near You12. Don't plan on going for a Saturday morning jog together.
12 of 17CrossFitters can run and will do it if forced, but we sure aren't going to enjoy it. We will pretty much choose anything over the pure torture that is a 5K.
Fitness Classes Near You13. Acronyms like WOD, AMRAP, EMOM and NFT will become common vernacular.
13 of 17No, you'll never understand what we're talking about, but it's easier if you just smile and nod your head.
Fitness Classes Near You14. You'll learn to love knee socks.
14 of 17They're not just a gym trend. They actually serve a purpose and protect CrossFitters' shins from rope burns. And we love the bright colors.
Fitness Classes Near You15. You may need to help wash our hair after a brutal workout.
15 of 17Yes, the workouts really can make you that sore.
Fitness Classes Near You16. No matter how much you like to mock your die-hard CrossFitter, you can't imagine life without us.
16 of 17We know a thing or two about true commitment, discipline and passion. And honestly, who else can do that many pull-ups in a row? It won't be long before you come over to the dark side.
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