Adult Skateboarding Class - Jamail Skatepark
Jamail (Lee & Joe) Skatepark 103 Sabine Street Houston, TX 77007 Organized by Houston Parks and Recreation DepartmentAbout this event
Internet Registration has not begun yet. Check Registration Dates in details.
An introductory class designed to teach participants on the proper technique of skateboarding and to enhance their overall experience at the skatepark. Learning objectives include balance, pushing, rolling in, dropping in, park etiquette, safety, how to fall, and flexibility.
Program is limited to only 12 participants per site. Registration is based on a "first come first serve basis. Youth can only register once per session. Each child must bring their own skateboard, helmet, and water for hydration.
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Lee & Joe Jamail Skatepark at Jamail (Lee & Joe) Skatepark