Welcome to Drill of the Week, a series on ACTIVEkids.com that explains individual and team drills for parents and coaches to help kids improve at the sports they love.
This week's drill is Cone Jump Crazy, an advance hockey skating exercise brought to you by TheDrillbook.com.
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"Cone Jump Crazy", is a very advanced skating drill. Players start between two cones and skate to the middle cone and jump turn over the cone while attempting to maintain balance and body control. Coaches can utilize any configuration they wish to maximize reps for the players. The players repeat and continue the execution under coach direction. There are three progressions to this drill.
1. Basic Jump Forwards
2. 180 Jump Turn (landing backwards).
3. 360 Jump Turn (landing forwards).
More: Drill of the Week: Basketball Layup Drill for Kids
Adjust the progressions based upon the level of your team.
Key Teaching Points
Skating: Confidence is a major key in this drill especially at the younger levels. For lower level skaters teams may only achieve level 1. Players require deep knee bend on take off and landings. Good ankle bend and mobility leads to strong knee bend. Control the stick on the jump and attempt to maintain body control. Posture is important with the head up while avoiding bending from the waist.
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