Autumn Family Activities: Hiking With Kids

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When it comes to hiking safety, you can never be too safe with kids around. Always be vigilant as to what your child touches or puts close to—or inside—his mouth. Arming your child with a whistle is always a good idea, and instead of saying, "Stay where I can see you," tell your child "Stay where You can see Me"—sometimes that makes more sense to a child. The Hug A Tree and Survive program is a good source to turn to for information on teaching children how to survive in the woods should they become lost. And depending on your location, time of day, and season, don't forget to think about altitude, sunburns, bee stings and possible allergy threats.

Finally, gear makes all the difference. Obviously make sure your kids are wearing good, comfortable shoes (like running shoes or hiking boots) and are dressed appropriately for the weather.

And consider other gizmos you might not have otherwise, like Camelbaks for extra water. They are comfortable to wear and your kids will love to drink from them!

So, get out and have fun! Let us know what other fun tips and tricks you can share about hiking with the family! And let us know your favorite hiking spots too; we are always looking for good day trip ideas.

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