15-Minute Arm Toning Workout for Busy Parents

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If you’re like most busy parents, the last time you lifted something heavy was probably the last time you picked up your kid. Parenting tends to suck away gym time, and finishing off your little one’s leftovers certainly doesn’t make staying in shape any easier.

Luckily, your arms are one of the easiest body parts to target and tone, and it doesn’t take a complicated set of moves to hit all the basics. Do 10 to 12 reps of each of these exercises using moderate weight—just make sure to limit rest time, so you can keep your heart rate high and maximize calorie-burn.
Arm Toning Workout
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Round 1:
Shoulder Press, 10 to 12 reps
Push-ups, 12 to 15 reps

Round 2:
Bent Over Row, 10 to 12 reps
Lateral to Front Raise, 10 reps

Round 3:
Hammer Curls, 10 to 12 reps
Skull Crushers, 10 reps
Shoulder Press
10 to 12 reps
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Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your abs engaged. Hold a medium weight dumbbell in each hand at your shoulders with your palms facing out. Keeping your core engaged and your shoulders pressed down, drive both dumbbells up toward the ceiling until your elbows are almost straight.

Make sure not to hyperextend your elbows. Lower the dumbbells down to the starting position slowly and with control.
12 to 15 reps
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Get into a high plank position. Place your hands firmly on the ground, directly under your shoulders. Keep your abs engaged and your back flat. Begin to lower your body, keeping your back flat and your head neutral until your chest grazes the floor. Push back up.
Bent Over Row
10 to 12 reps
1 of 8
With a dumbbell in each hand (palms facing your torso), bend your knees slightly and bring your torso forward by bending at the waist. As you bend, make sure to keep your back straight until it is almost parallel to the floor and keep your head up. The weights should hang perpendicular to the floor.

While keeping your torso stationary, lift the dumbbells to your side, keeping your elbows close to your body. Squeeze your back muscles at the top then slowly lower to the start position.
Lateral to Front Raise
10 reps
1 of 8
With a dumbbell in each hand (palms facing your torso), lift your arms laterally until they are parallel to the ground. Return them, in a controlled motion, back to the starting position. Immediately lift your arms again, this time out in front of your torso. Return them to the starting position. That's one rep.
Hammer Curls
10 to 12 reps
1 of 8
Stand up tall with your feet hip-width apart and abs engaged. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with arms at your sides and palms facing your body. Your elbows should be close to your torso.

While holding your upper arm stationary, curl the weights up toward your shoulders as if lifting a hammer. Hold the contracted position for a brief moment as you squeeze your biceps. Slowly lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position.
Skull Crushers
10 reps
1 of 8
This exercise requires a barbell but can also be modified for dumbbells. Lying on a bench, hold the barbell raised above your chest. Slowly and controlled, bend at the elbow until the barbell comes close to your forehead. Use your triceps to return the barbell to the starting position. Keep your elbows perpendicular, not facing out towards the side.
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