Personalized Picture Frame
1 of 6Purchase a plain wood picture frame and break out paint in your dad's favorite color. Paint your frame and allow to dry. Glue on wood letters or attach stickers to spell "dad."
For a special touch, attach one or more of his favorite things, such as the train in this example. You can find small wooden or plastic items to attach at local craft stores. For the final step, print out a photo of you and your dad to place in the frame.
Little Helper Coupons
2 of 6Your dad is undoubtedly a busy man, but you can help him out with a book of coupons. Fold a piece of paper in half three times to start. Unfold your paper and cut along the fold lines to create your coupons.
Next, think about what would be most helpful to your dad. Does he often ask for help in the yard? Or would it make his day if you helped organize his tools? Write down and illustrate which tasks you will help him with. Don't forget to add some fun ones, too, like a dessert date just with dad.
Save one piece of paper to decorate as the cover, and staple the coupons together to create your dad's coupon book.
Six-Pack of Treats
3 of 6Collect and clean out old bottles (root beer bottles work great). Ideally, you'll want bottles with screw-off tops instead of pop-tops. Next, purchase various kinds of candy your dad likes that are small enough to fit in the bottle. For example, Skittles would work great; Reese's Peanut Butter Cups would not.
Fill each bottle with a unique candy and screw the lids back on. You can add ribbon or paint the outside of each bottle, if you wish. Glue paper to the front of the six-pack holder and decorate as desired. Present your dad with his "six-pack" that you two can share.
Pallet Coaster
4 of 6Make your dad a coaster that he can put his drink on while he's working in the shed or garage. All you need is popsicle sticks and hot glue.
First, create your coaster pallet base by setting two popsicle sticks parallel to each other. They should be a little less than one popsicle stick length apart.
Next, hot glue three sticks to each of the bottom sticks to create the first layer. Make sure to attach the sticks skinny side down so they stand tall instead of lying flat. Lastly, stack a row of popsicle sticks flat on top of the base and attach carefully with hot glue.
Tool Cookies
5 of 6What dad doesn't love cookies? With the help of an adult, combine ingredients of your dad's favorite cookie recipe and roll the dough flat. Use fun cookie cutters like tools or trains to cut out unique designs.
Surprise your dad by delivering a plate of fresh baked cookies shaped in his favorite things. Maybe he'll even share some with you.
About the Author
Jen Retter
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