5 Fun Water Activities Kids Will Love This Summer

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There is nothing more refreshing on a hot summer day than a splash of cool water.

But active kids do not need to be limited to a glass of water or a sprint through the sprinkler when the temperature rises. Parents can turn their backyard into a summer playground with a trip to the discount store and a little imagination.

Here are five ideas that will turn a summer day into a soak-fest. Try them on their own or set them up as stations for a party.
Bucket of Fun
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Kids can test their balance and strength by walking a beam while holding a bucket of water on their heads. If your kid makes it to the end, he or she can toss the bucket over a friend. If your son or daughter falters, the gush of water will cool his or her nerves for the second try.
Shower Time
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A table of watering cans and a sturdy step can turn any corner of the yard into a shower of fun. Add "Survivor" flair by rounding up the neighborhood kids and pairing them for a game of trivia. If a kid incorrectly answers a question, his or her partner dumps the watering can on the young contestant. The last dry kid wins.
Sprinkler Dash
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One run through the sprinkler just isn't enough. Set up some sprinklers hurdle style and challenge kids to run through them without getting wet. For more fun, have them hit each fan of water on the pass through.
Play Ball
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Place a bat next to a bucket of water balloons and let kids hit them out of the park. This is a great spin on batting practice that is sure to keep your kids cool while they play ball.
Sponge Wars
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Toss some sponges or sponge balls in a pail of water. Kids can sling them at each other or squeeze them out over their heads. Make a game of it by playing tag or hot potato.
Bucket of Fun
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Kids can test their balance and strength by walking a beam while holding a bucket of water on their heads. If your kid makes it to the end, he or she can toss the bucket over a friend. If your son or daughter falters, the gush of water will cool his or her nerves for the second try.
Shower Time
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A table of watering cans and a sturdy step can turn any corner of the yard into a shower of fun. Add "Survivor" flair by rounding up the neighborhood kids and pairing them for a game of trivia. If a kid incorrectly answers a question, his or her partner dumps the watering can on the young contestant. The last dry kid wins.
Play Ball
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Place a bat next to a bucket of water balloons and let kids hit them out of the park. This is a great spin on batting practice that is sure to keep your kids cool while they play ball.
Sponge Wars
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Toss some sponges or sponge balls in a pail of water. Kids can sling them at each other or squeeze them out over their heads. Make a game of it by playing tag or hot potato.
Sprinkler Dash
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One run through the sprinkler just isn't enough. Set up some sprinklers hurdle style and challenge kids to run through them without getting wet. For more fun, have them hit each fan of water on the pass through.