13 Reasons to Celebrate Warm Weather Running

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After a long winter, the temperature is finally above freezing, leaves are budding and the running is getting GOOD. Sure, there are some springtime downers (hello, allergies), but overall this is a really great time to hit the road.

Wondering what's so great about spring running? We've got some reasons…

You can wear shorts again.
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After months of hanging out in a long pants prison, your legs can finally be FREE. We've never been so excited for awkward tan lines.
It's easier to stay hydrated.
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Picture this: You're an hour into your long run, you down a gel and get ready to take a swig of water...but nothing comes out. Arghhh! Your water bottle froze! Luckily this won't happen in the spring and that's a big deal, because quenching your thirst with yellow snow is frowned upon in most running circles. Bonus: If you run in a public park, the water fountains get turned back on!
More daylight.
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No one likes losing an hour of sleep for daylight savings time, but it sure is nice to have longer days (and more time to run outside). Those well-intentioned, after-work running plans might just become a reality.
Races, races, everywhere.
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From 5Ks to marathons, race directors come out of hibernation this time of year. April and May weather can be unpredictable, but you likely won't have to worry about ice and snow as you line up.
The temperature is just right for PRs.
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Spring is like the Goldilocks of race temperatures; muscle-freezing temperatures are behind you and heat waves are still months away. Sign up for a goal race because there's a good chance you'll be toeing the starting line under perfect conditions.
All your favorite running routes are back in action.
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Whether they were closed for the season or the footing was just too treacherous, now that spring is here, it's time to revisit your favorite running track or trail.
It's time to use ALL the gear.
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Spring weather can be fickle…some days you'll be #blessed with warmth and sun, other days you'll deal with cold rain. But look on the bright side-you'll finally get to use all of that fancy running gear. From windbreakers to polarized sunglasses, spring will make sure you get your money's worth.
The warmth is invigorating!
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You'll actually look forward to waking up at the crack of dawn and heading out for a run. No frozen eyelashes necessary.
Post-run ice cream, iced coffee, smoothies...
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Is there anything more refreshing than finishing a tough run and digging into something cold? Nope, we didn't think so.
It just got a little easier to fuel with healthy foods.
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It's time to leave the comfort food behind (see you in the fall, casseroles) and take advantage of spring produce. Lighten up your plate with spring vegetables, grilled meats and fresh fruit.
Your running buddies will be less likely to bail.
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In winter, a cozy warm bed (or a big bowl of mac 'n cheese) is a tempting reason to skip a run. But with warmer temperatures and more daylight, you and your running buddy are more likely to log miles together.
Your body can finally get some Vitamin D.
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It's estimated that 50 percent of the population has some form of Vitamin D deficiency, which can cause all sorts of issues including weak bones. If you live in northern latitudes, getting Vitamin D from the sun can be nearly impossible during the winter. But now that spring is here, it's time to soak up some sun. But use caution; a few minutes a day is all you need!
It's the perfect time to start prepping for fall races.
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Is an autumn half or full marathon on your calendar? Now's a great time to start building base mileage.
You'll be in a better mood.
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A 2005 study from the University of Michigan found that spending 30 minutes or more outside in warm, sunny spring weather led to a better mood and greater memory retention. Even more reason to log your daily three-miler!
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