Summertime heat sometimes means keeping your workouts short and sweet. You can keep up your speed and heart rate without overdoing it by implementing short but challenging running workouts. These four running workouts take 30 minutes or less and will get your heart rate up while giving you plenty of time to head to the beach or your favorite shady spot next to the pool.
One-Minute Fartleks
- 10-minute warm-up
- Run one-minute tempo pace, followed by one-minute recovery pace. Repeat four times through.
- 10-minute cool-down
Running Events Near You
Pyramid Run
- 10-minute warm-up
- Run five minutes slightly faster than your warm-up
- Run three minutes faster still
- Run two minutes even faster
- Run final one minute at your fastest pace
- 8-minute cool-down
Steady Quick Tempo
- 10-minute warm-up
- 10-minutes at 10K pace
- 8-minute cool-down
Hill Repeats
(Find a hill that takes about two minutes to jog up)
- 10-minute warm-up
- Two minutes up the hill, followed by two minutes down the hill. Repeat three times.
- 8-minute cool-down
As always, remember to hydrate as needed. If you would rather not head outside, these workouts can easily be adapted for use on the treadmill.
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