If Your Runs Are Boring You--Change Your Routine

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Have Fun

  • Play silly games like you did in the car as a kid. Try to spot out-of-state license plates or run by streets that start with each letter of the alphabet.

  • Take someone running with you who has never run before. Inspire them by reminding them that you were once in their (running) shoes. This will help you to realize how far you have come since your first miles.

  • Run somewhere that entertains you. Cities and parks often provide entertainment, or try running laps around a little league game and keep track of the score.


  • Write down your distance, time and location in a journal.

  • Browse through training books and running magazines for tips on improving performance.

  • Practice fartleks or speedplay. Sprint to a predetermined landmark, recover by running slowly, then do it all over again.

  • Join track workouts. Theyre a great way to improve your running time while getting tips from a coach.

  • Set goals and stick to them.

  • Train for a race distance thats new to you. If 10Ks bore you, try a shorter 5K or start training for longer distances, such as a half- or a full marathon.


Just stop. Give yourself a break and try cycling, kickboxing, yoga or basketball for a while. Nothing is wrong with not running for a few days or a week or two. Once you take a little break, you will realize that you really miss running and will soon be back into the groove.