The purpose of this activity is to improve the dribbling skills of young players aged 6-10.
Divide players into groups of three or four. Have them stand in line, forming a "snake." The middle player starts with the ball.
The middle player (Player B) must try to follow the first person, or "head" of the snake (Player A) while dribbling. The third player (Player C) follows the second player and so on. From front-to-back, the players should be arranged as follows:
Player A (head of snake), Player B (Dribbles ball), Player C (follows dribbler)
On command, the middle player becomes the new head of the snake, while the old head of the snake goes to the end of the line and player C now has ball in middle. Now the players will be arranged as follows:
Player B (head of snake), Player C (Dribbles ball), Player A (follows dribbler)
Play continues as long as players are benefiting from the activity. It is best to use this activity as a warm up. No score is kept, as players are concentrating solely on their technique.
The game is played in a grid that varies depending on the needs of the players. Make the grid smaller to make it more difficult for the players. Make it larger if the players are finding it difficult to achieve success. The coach must experiment with the size and find what works best for his or her team.