If you're one of the thousands of people who'll jump into the water this year to try your hand and legs at the growing sport of triathlon, the thought of open water swimming may loom large in your mind. To help prepare for the transition to your local lake, reservoir, or ocean, noted swim coach Michael Collins offers these tips on helpful pool practice.
Triathlon Events Near You
1. Close Your Eyes
Swim 8 to 10 strokes in the pool with your eyes closed, then sight above water. This will help you learn to swim straight without using the bottom of the pool as a guide.2. Get Off to a Fast Start
Practice a few sets of fast starts, followed by settling down to a more relaxed pace. This simulates the quick starts typically found in open water events as participants angle for position before settling in to their paces.3. Swim Like a Dolphin
Practice dolphin dives (pushing forward off the bottom in a series of short dives to propel yourself through shallow water) in a shallow pool to learn to get in and out of open water venues more quickly than running through the water. Make sure never to dive in from the side of the pool, but rather practice short dolphin dips from a standing position once in the shallow water.
MORE: How to Properly Utilize Hip Drive in Freestyle Swimming
4. See What You Can See
Practice regular sight-breathing in the pool, lifting your head up to look forward in rhythm with your breathing. Start by looking up every eight strokes, eyeing a target past the end of the lane (a window, deck chair or small building will do) and gradually work up to more strokes between sight-checks. Sight-breathing in the pool also will help train the muscles you need to lift your head.
MORE: What You Need to Know About Open Water Sighting
5. Be Efficient
Make it a goal to lower your stroke count per lap to swim more efficiently. Try a clinic, workshop or lessons for some new perspective.6. Put the Rubber to the Road
Try out a brand-new wetsuit in the pool before using it in open water. Even with a wetsuit you already own, wear it for a few pool practices before a race. The pool provides a safe and comfortable environment to adjust for the way the wetsuit changes your feel for the water and body position. However, check with the manufacturer first to make sure the chemicals in the pool won't deteriorate the wetsuit material.
READ THIS NEXT: 5 Keys to Improving Your Swim Technique
United States Masters Swimming is a national organization that provides organized workouts, competitions, clinics and workshops for adults age 18 and over. Programs are open to all adult swimmers (fitness, triathlete, competitive, non-competitive) who are dedicated to improving their fitness through swimming. Founded in 1970, USMS is organized with more than 1,100 workout groups and teams throughout the nation.