These 10 tips will help you combat race day jitters with ease.
Follow Your Training Plan
1 of 11If you are physically prepared for your race, you will likely have one less thing to worry about.
Your Next RaceKnow Your Race Course
2 of 11If you live locally, drive or train on your race course. Knowing the course will alleviate questions about what's to come in your race. If you don't live locally, review your athlete's guide which will include maps and descriptions of the course.
Your Next RaceKnow Race Day Details
3 of 11When does the race start? Is there gear drop off? When does the transition area close? Where will you meet your loved ones when it is over?
Your Next RacePlan Your Outfit
4 of 11Seriously! Plan what you will wear—every aspect. Watch the weather and made sure it is appropriate and practice, practice, practice in your gear.
Your Next RacePlan Your Nutrition
5 of 11Just like your outfit, you should have practiced nutrition during your training. What will you eat? What will you drink? Do you have your favorite flavors on hand? Be sure to plan and pack exactly what you need.
Your Next RaceMake a Mental Plan for Your Race
6 of 11Review the course in your mind leading up to race day. Where will you need to remind yourself to relax, breath or push harder? Visualize yourself in your race over and over.
Your Next RaceMake Lists
7 of 11This is extremely helpful as race day approaches. Write your concern/question/task down on paper and get it out of your head making it one less worry.
Your Next RaceDon't Rush
8 of 11Leave yourself plenty of time on race day. Feeling rushed or possibly running late could make for a very upset stomach.
Your Next RaceCenter Yourself
9 of 11Remember that mental plan? Review it one more time. Close out the surrounding chaos of the race start. Close your eyes, see the course and focus only on the task at hand.
Your Next RaceSmile
10 of 11Remember why you race. Think of all your training that has gone into this day. Be grateful for the experience, no matter how scared, anxious, excited you might be. Feel proud that you got yourself to the starting line and let the race begin!
Your Next RaceTriathlon Events Near You
Intro to Triathlon Training
Parker, CO
ITC Race January 19th 2025
Port Kembla, NSW
Quinns Quest Swim-Run #1 - 2025
Quinns Rocks, WA
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