29 Seriously Funny Triathlon Memes

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Triathlon may not be easy, but that doesn't make us love it any less. For those times when you're really struggling with the ol' swim, bike, run, take a break and check out these hilarious memes that show you're not alone.

Then hop in the water, get back in the saddle or slip on those running shoes, because there's still work to do.
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Every man, woman and child for themselves.
Happy Birthday
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The only good thing about getting older, tbh.
Stuff Happens
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Even if you did...
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Cake and Beer
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We can't think of another reason either.
Hunger Games
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May the odds be ever in your favor.
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Trust us.
Triathlon Season
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The most wonderful time of the year.
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We wonder what He thinks about IRONMANs.
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Is that legal?
Swim, Bike, Care
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Well at least we have the third one down.
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That can be arranged.
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But I still love you. You know that, right?
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When the boredom sets in.
A Triathlete's Dream
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If only we could bike at the same time, too.
Double the Value
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Or more than double it...
No Triathlete
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Attention runner friends.
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The greatest accomplishment of your life.
Swim Faster
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Solid advice.
Sorry, I Can't
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A perfectly legitimate excuse.
Believe It or Not
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We're telling the truth. We swear.
Running Partner
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It's more of a run-walk with a heavy emphasis on the walk.
Are You Going to Finish That?
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You try getting full after a brick workout.
The First Time
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It's a talent, really.
Cheering Squad
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It's what we like to call self-motivation.
A Normal Saturday
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What is this brunch we've heard so much about?
Faux Pro
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Nice try.
So Much Awesome
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We must be really awesome then.
The Horror
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Sounds like more of a nightmare to us.
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