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February 22 - April 05, 2025

Drawing and Painting Workshop w/Annie Thompson

Wayne Art Center • 413 Maplewood Ave WaynePA  19087 Organized by Wayne Art Center Save up to $10 on this event with ACTIVE Advantage!
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Drawing & Painting Workshopw/Annie ThompsonA six (6) session courseNo class on 3/15
Annie Thompson
This 8-week course is for beginners who want to explore drawing and oil painting, and for more experienced artists who want to improve their artistic skills. Using still-life compositions, students will learn about form, space, design, value, and color through working observationally. In addition, the instructor will introduce a variety of artists who are representative of the lessons provided, and conduct in-process and final critiques for a helpful synopsis of the student’s progress and ideas. The class will be broken up into four weeks of drawing and four weeks of painting, but the student is open to work in any medium if they prefer.
Materials List:
**Please be sure to have drawing materials for the first class date.
Drawing Materials:
? Drawing paper (18x24”)? Newsprint paper (18x24”)? Vine charcoal? Vinyl erasers (Faber Castell Dust-Free Vinyl Erasers are great)? Straight edge? Paper towels/rags
**Please be sure to have painting materials for the 4th class date.
Painting Materials:
? 9x12” and/or 12x16” painting canvas panel or canvas pad (or preferred painting supports) **Be sure to have at least one or two painting surfaces for each class date.? Palette paper pad (or preferred palette)? Turponoid or Gamsol (paint thinner)? Airtight Brush Washer can or small jar with screwable lid for paint thinner? Bar soap or bottle of dish soap for cleaning brushes? Brushes of preference (I prefer synthetic hair for softer application. A variety in sizes of Filbert and Round brushes would be great. A larger flat brush would also be good for more experienced painters.) ? Paper Towels? Oil paints (Utrecht, Winsor-Newton, and Gamblin are great student-grade brands that are economical)
  • ? Titanium White
  • ? Ivory Black
  • ? Yellow Ochre
  • ? Cadmium Red Medium
  • ? French Ultramarine Blue
  • ? Burnt Umber Additional Painting Materials List:
? Linseed oil? Palette knife (metal preferred)? Additional Oil Paint Colors for an advanced palette:
  • ? Raw Sienna
  • ? Cadmium Yellow Medium
  • ? Alizarin Crimson
  • ? Cerulean Blue
  • ? Viridian Green
  • ? Cadmium Orange Medium
  • ? Dioxazine purple
  • ? Lemon Yellow

Instructor Bio:Annie Thompson is a painter and teacher based in Philadelphia, PA. A 2024 awardee of the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation grant for emerging representational artists, she is concerned with perceptual and direct painting. She received her MFA from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA) where she was a recipient of the Fine Arts Venture Fund in 2023, and received her BFA from Flagler College. She exhibits in solo, two-person, and group exhibitions, most recently in "Convergence of Cares" at Side Street Gallery, Philadelphia. Currently, she is part of the teaching faculty at Wayne Art Center in Wayne, PA, and teaches in PAFA’s Afterschool Studio Arts Program in Philadelphia.


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Annie Thompson


February 22 - April 05, 2025

9:30 AM to 12:30 PM


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Wayne Art Center

413 Maplewood Ave WaynePA  19087

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February 22 - April 05, 2025

Drawing and Painting Workshop w/Annie Thompson

Wayne Art Center • 413 Maplewood Ave WaynePA  19087 Organized by Wayne Art Center Save up to $10 on this event with ACTIVE Advantage!
Registration unavailable. Check activity website