NP - Latodami Thursday Adult Nature Walk
North Park 303 Pearce Mill Road Allison Park, PA 15101 Organized by Allegheny County ParksAbout this event
We're sorry, but online registration is not allowed for this activity. Please contact us during regular business hours for registration information.
Every Thursday, join Latodami staff to explore the many unique historic and natural areas of North Park. Visit a different part of the park each hike. Hikes always meet at the basketball court parking lot on Kummer Road at 10:00 am, then caravan to the hiking location. No registration necessary, just show up! Hikes are typically around 1 mile with easy-moderate difficulty. Dress well for outdoor weather. Call for more information 724-935-2170.
North Park Basketball Parking Lot (Kummer Road)
Meg Scanlon