October 06 - December 08, 2024
2024 PVTC Young Flyers youth track & field program - October 6 to December 8
Thomas Jefferson Community Center 3501 2nd Street South Arlington, VA 22204 Organized by Potomac Valley Track ClubAbout this event
- Train with experienced coaches including Jim Darr, Uchenna Onuzulike, Betsy Peace, Curtis Smith, Feru Wake Dadi (formerly Ethiopian national coach), Jim Wass, Jay Jacob Wind
- Apply to be a PVTC youth coach
- Enter USATF's background check
- Get the best out of yourself - Discover your abilities
- Run and walk fast, jump long, throw far
- Stretch to increase flexibility and prevent injury
- Build strength, endurance, and speed
- Learn to improve nutrition and health
- Follow well-establish skills progressions:
• Shot put, by Don Babbit
• Acceleration, by Walt Cline - High school students and adults may sign up as volunteer coaches and get a really good workout running with the young athletes
Event details and schedule
- Directions: Arlington Blvd. (US 50), south on Irving St. (east of Glebe), west on 2nd St., entrance on right.
- Outdoor on trail:
- October 6, 13, 20, 27
- November 3, 10, 17, 24
- December 1, 8
- Typical schedule:
- 2:50-2:55 PM: meet at playground, check in and pick up name tag
- 3:00 PM: Circle Time: Warm-ups, stretching and strengthening exercises, prepared 5-minutes lectures - 1. Equipment; 2. Training Plan; 3. Physiology; 4. Nutrition
3:20 PM: Group I: Break into groups:
Grade K-1-2: 50-100 meters; Grade 3-4-5: 200-400m; Grade 6-7-8: 800m-one mile; all: race walk, advanced sprint, advanced distance, shot put, turbo-lav, practice hurdles, - 4:00 PM: Recovery: Refreshments, courtesy of parents
October 06 - December 08, 2024
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
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