Jewelry & Metalsmithing: Advanced Level 3+
BBAC Campus • 1516 South Cranbrook Road Birmingham, MI 48009 Organized by BBACAbout this event
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Jewelry & Metalsmithing: Advanced
Instructor: Robin Servo
Students who have proficiency in intermediate
jewelry skills will have lectures and demonstrations
to meet individual needs. Techniques such as lost
wax casting, resin inlay, stone setting, and metal
forming, and fabrication may be covered.
Basic tools and supplies will be provided, along with copper
and brass for projects. Please note that for projects requiring
the use of fine silver, students will need to purchase it in
addition to their material/studio fees.
Prerequisite: The completion of a beginning and
intermediate jewelry/ metals class including torch
Level 3
Mondays, March 31 – June 9
No Class May 26
12:30 pm - 3:30 pm, 10 sessions
$326 Members, $366 Guests, $65 Materials Fee
Metals/Jewelry Department Students
All Jewelry/Metals students pay a fee to cover supplies, and the use of tools/studio equipment during the class periods.
Wearing a mask in the BBAC metals studio is encouraged.
Materials list of items to bring:-Please bring a small notebook and pencil to class -Wear close-toed shoes and long pants-Bring your own safety goggles, or you can share the studio goggles
Course Medium
Jewelry & Metalsmithing
Studio 6 at BBAC Campus
Robin Servo
Age and Gender
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