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March 31 - June 09, 2025

Painting: Intention Painting/Art as Talisman

BBAC Campus • 1516 South Cranbrook Road BirminghamMI  48009 Organized by BBAC Save up to $10 on this event with ACTIVE Advantage!

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Painting: Intention Painting/Art as Talisman
Instructor: Sheri Lee Robinson

Words hold power, so does art! This class will take you on a magical journey using

your own powerful intentions to create potent, beautiful paintings that can have a lasting beneficial impact for yourself and those around you for years to come. What are your intentions and desires? What do you want? We will start this course by exploring our intentions through discussion and some quick journaling, then we will write our intentions directly onto the canvas surface, letting them “sink in” before we paint over them. The words will eventually be entirely covered with paint but their power will be very much alive in the finished piece. The final piece can act as a wonderful talisman or charm and your art will have added meaning, beyond just being a fantastic painting! In this course you will have complete freedom of expression when it comes to what you want to paint on top of your intentions. I love abstract art and find it works well for my own Intention Paintings, but if you want to do a landscape or seascape or a portrait, go for it! I can guide and instruct through all styles but ask you to really trust your gut when it comes to applying the paint. We can use our hands, brushes or palette knives to work the materials and have some fun in the process. In fact, having fun is a requirement! This class is open to all and there are no prerequisite courses needed to participate. I look forward to meeting you all and teaching you this fantastic way of creating art. Art helps, art heals, art is important. See you soon!There is a materials list for this class.

Intro / All Levels

Mondays, March 31 – June 9

No Class May 26

12:30 pm – 3:30 pm, 10 sessions

$326 Members, $366 Guests, $5 Materials Fee

Materials List: Intention Painting - Art as TalismanSheri Lee Robinson
Materials List? 3-Pre Gessoed 6”x6” Canvases - Gallery profile (bring these to the first session-the other sizeswill be brought to subsequent sessions as instructed)? 3- Pre Gessoed 10”x10” Canvases - Gallery profile? 1-Pre Gessoed 20”x24” Canvas - Traditional profile? 1-Pre Gessoed 24”x48” Canvas - Traditional profile? Any kind of preferred drawing materials such as: pastels, pens, sharpies, charcoal..anything thatfeels good in your hand and that you write or draw with? Acrylic paint- the Blick student grade acrylic paint sets are great. The amount of paint you willneed does depend on your particular style of painting. An average estimate would be 150-200ounces of paint needed per student for the class. The color choices are up to you. Also, I willhave plenty of extra paint on hand for each session…we won’t run out!? A wide assortment in sizes of acrylic painting brushes.? 2 or 3 Plastic or metal palette knives- any sizes? Disposable gloves- 3 pair per session? Disposable palette pad? Large plastic table covering to protect your work table for each session. You may need a few ofthese? Apron/Coveralls or work clothes that can get paint on them? A small journal or notebook and your favorite pen to record your intentions in and to reflect onyour progress and processes during this transformative journey. We will spend a short timeworking in our journals prior to each session.

Course Medium



Studio 2 at BBAC Campus


Sheri Robinson


March 31 - June 09, 2025

12:30 PM to 3:30 PM


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Age and Gender

Ages 18-255 · Co-Ed


BBAC Campus

1516 South Cranbrook Road BirminghamMI  48009

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March 31 - June 09, 2025

Painting: Intention Painting/Art as Talisman

BBAC Campus • 1516 South Cranbrook Road BirminghamMI  48009 Organized by BBAC Save up to $10 on this event with ACTIVE Advantage!