Youth/Teen: Grades 6-12: Beginner Sewing
BBAC Campus 1516 South Cranbrook Road Birmingham, MI 48009 Organized by BBACAbout this event
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Beginner Sewing: Grades 6 – 12
Instructor: Rachel Brunhild
This class will teach the basic skills needed to use a home sewing machine and how to read and use a commercial pattern. Some projects may include learning embellishment techniques such as embroidery. Final projects will include a clothing item and fashion accessories. Students can use the art center sewing machines or bring their own to learn on.
1206.52.03.25 All Levels
Saturdays, January 18 - March 22
11:30 am – 1:30 pm, 10 sessions
$260 Members, $300 Guests, $30 Materials Fee
Course Medium
Fiber Arts
6th - 12th
Studio 1 at BBAC Campus
Rachel Brunhild