Sole Programs combine fun physical activity, discussion and mentorship to empower youth with the tools they need to discover their inner awesome and grow their confidence. Sole Youth Calgary is offering programs for Girls again this season! All kids and youth deserve to feel connected and empowered to become the best version of themselves! This is where it happens! Sole Programs are a great place for kids to make new friends while they learn more about themselves. It's also a good opportunity for friends to attend together and learn how be empowered friends for each other. Along side awesome coaches and mentors, we will play games and have brave discussions about friendship and self esteem. We will explore what it means to be a positive peer & role model and how to set goals as part of an active lifestyle. Each season of Sole Programs offers unique discussion topics and fun activities. Join us for multiple seasons to experience the full range of topics! This season of Sole will run for 7 weeks. During this time, participants will prepare physically and mentally to complete a 5km fun run, with their Sole Cohort and other Sole Groups from around Calgary. Notes: 1) Any costs associated with the 5km fun run are not included in program fees. Each family will need to sign up for the run separately, if they are able to participate Families are encouraged to participate in the 5km run along side their Sole Kid or find a great location along the run route to support the group. Run details will be shared at a later date.
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