Champagne Flutes (OC) - S1
Ohio City Campus 2610 Detroit Ave. Cleveland, OH 44113 Organized by The Music SettlementAbout this event
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Champagne Flutes is a small ensemble geared toward intermediate level adult flutists who want to enhance their ensemble playing skills and enjoy playing with others. Group members will work on tone, balance, cueing, and play a wide variety of repertoire. The alto, bass and contrabass flutes will also be used on occasion.Prerequisites: 2 and 1/2 octave range and ability to play in key signatures of up to 4 sharps and flats.
If you're unsure which of our flute ensembles is right for you, please contact Linda White.
If this is your first enrollment of the school year in the Center for Music (September-June), a non-refundable registration fee is due at the time of enrollment ($35 for a single registrant, with a cap of $50 per family).
Other Course Category
Ohio City - Room 6200
Linda White