Yoga - Pilates Mix
Fran Ryan Center • 865 E. Capital Street Columbus, OH 43205 Organized by Columbus Recreation and Parks DepartmentAbout this event
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This class format combine the principles and exercises of both yoga and Pilates for a beginners to intermediate member. These hybrid workouts build strength, flexibility, and balance while providing mindful and meditative aspects to the practice. The muscle sculpting benefits of Pilates are combined with yoga postures designed to tone, lengthen, and strengthening of the body. The low-impact workout increases fitness levels, core strength, flexibility, stability, balance, and posture. Emotive music drives the experience as you move from one exercise to the next in a slow and easy flow. Some classes will incorporate light weights and/or elastics bands for an upper body workout.
The Participant hereby agrees that the use of Recreation & Parks Department facilities and equipment shall be at the exclusive risk of the Participant and his/her guests or agents. The Participant further agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Columbus from any and all claims, suits, loss, damage, or injury to persons or property of any kind or nature whatsoever to the Participant and his/her guests or agents as a result of, or activities engaged in the facilities, or use of equipment. The Participant hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Columbus if the Participant violates the rules and regulations or the law.
Activity Age Category
F.R. Group Fitness Studio at Fran Ryan Center
Rocio Mino
Age and Gender
Yoga - Pilates Mix
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