Cycling Tips & Training

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Cycling Articles & Advice

7 Ways to Prevent Bicycle Tire Punctures

Instead of waiting until you're the one staring at a flat tire, start thinking about prevention now. Use these seven tips to keep your wheels rolling.

A Cyclist's Guide to Soup

Nothing beats a warm bowl of soup during the winter months, especially after pedaling through the bitter cold weather.

A Commuter Rides a Century

A 29yearold who wears Converse on his daily commute prepares to tackle a century ride in the middle of August (yikes).

How to Conquer a Long Climb

In cycling, the trip down is more than worth the trip up. Here are some tips to tackling those epic climbs on a bike.

7 Reasons to Set Cycling Goals Early

Waiting until spring to plan this season's goals can put you in a time crunch that isn't necessary. Use these seven tips to turn your weaknesses in...

Should Cyclists Shave Their Legs?

Smooth legs are expected on pro cyclists, triathletes and Olympic swimmers. But what's the reasoning behind agegroupers taking to the razor?


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