Guitar Lessons: Beginner
SourcePoint • 800 CHESHIRE RD DELAWARE, OH 43015 Organized by SourcePointAbout this event
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This class is for those brand new to guitar. Instruction will include how to hold and tune a guitar, proper chord and pick positioning, basic strumming, and changing between chords. If you have never played the guitar or have questions, contact Bob Claymier at 740-816-9627 before you register to learn more or to schedule private lessons. Bring your guitar. If you need help finding a guitar, let Bob know. You will need one before the class starts.To register, click the Enroll Now button. For assistance with registration, call 740-363-6677.
To ensure your class/presentation is held, register early and no later than two business days before its scheduled date.
Cancellation Policy: You will receive a refund for fee-based activities canceled by SourcePoint or for activities from which you withdraw before the deadline. Refunds are not available for activities you are unable to attend.
Cheshire Room at SourcePoint
Robert Claymier
Age and Gender
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