Income Taxes: Planning and Pitfalls
SourcePoint • 800 CHESHIRE RD DELAWARE, OH 43015 Organized by SourcePointAbout this event
We're sorry, but this program is over. The last meeting was Thursday, November 14, 2024.
Bring your questions; take home the answers you need. Gain insights, avoid pitfalls, and plan ahead with end-of-year strategies. Presented by Jerry Hatton, tax professional with 30 years’ experience. Hatton is not affiliated with or endorsed by SourcePoint.
To register, click the Enroll Now button. For assistance with registration, call 740-363-6677.
Cancellation Policy: You will receive a refund for fee-based activities canceled by SourcePoint or for activities from which you withdraw before the deadline. Refunds are not available for activities you are unable to attend.
Board Room at SourcePoint
or ComPASS
Jerry Hatton
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