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September 04 - December 02, 2024

Dundee Dragons SWIM Club Fall 2024

Dundee High School Pool • 130 Viking Drive, DundeeMI  48131 Organized by Dundee Dragons
This event has ended.

About this event

Dundee Dragons offers highly qualified coaching and technique instruction. Our goal for all swimmers is to provide an equal opportunity to improve their swimming abilities and become successful in their age group.

Dundee Dragons Swim Club is supported by an elected Board of Directors which meets monthly. All Board Members are parent volunteers that have demonstrated a passion for the club. All swim parents are encouraged to attend parent meetings prior to each season and be involved in team activities and fundraisers.

Children of all ages are welcome.

WE offer two training groups:

The White group is for swimmers who are new to competitive swimming and require a lot instruction on most of the 4 basic strokes.

The Blue group is for our advanced swimmers who can handle a hour and a half training session.

There are 5 dual meets during the Fall season, usually two meets are away the rest are at our pool.  Then there is a Championship meet at the end of the season.  All kids are eligible for Championships as long as they participate in at least one dual meet druing the season.  Parents are required to volunteer at least one time for any one of the dual meets or fundraiser event.

Try-outs for the team are at the Dundee High School Pool area.  Bring your child's suit and goggles as they will be evaluated in the water.  

If you have any questions you can message us through Facebook or email us at dundeedragonssecretary@gmail.com

See www.dundeedragons.com for schedule and more info!


September 04 - December 02, 2024

1:00 AM

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

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Dundee High School Pool

130 Viking Drive, DundeeMI  48131

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