Senior Lunch Bunch - Sponsor
The Rec Complex of Fairview Heights 9950 Bunkum Road Fairview Heights, IL 62208 Organized by Fairview Heights Parks and RecreationAbout this event
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Senior Lunch Bunch and Bingo
Join us on the first Thursday of the month in the Holland Room at The REC for an afternoon filled with food, friends and fun. We start with BINGO at 11am, then finish with a tasty lunch at noon!
REGISTRATION IS LIMITED - we're sorry, phone registrations will no longer be accepted. You must fill out a registration form and return it to our office.
ATTENTION SENIORS - We can no longer roll over meals, if you pre-register for a luncheon and need to cancel, be sure to call the office before Tuesday. We order food for the exact number of registered seniors.
The REC Holland Room
Kathy Riedle