FE Bronze Medallion with Emergency First Aid
Pool 1555 Garrison Road Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada L2A 5M4 Organized by Boys and Girls Club of NiagaraAbout this event
We're sorry, but this recreation program is over. The last meeting was Friday, December 6, 2024.
Bronze Medallion challenges the candidate both mentally and physically. Judgment, knowledge, skill, and fitness – the four components of water rescue – form the basis of Bronze Medallion training. Candidates acquire the assessment and problem-solving skills needed to make good decisions in, on, and around the water. Bronze Medallion is a prerequisite for assistant lifeguard training in Bronze Cross.
Prerequisite: Minimum 13 years of age or Bronze Star certification (need not be current).
For candidates under the age of 13 pre-requisite Bronze Star certification must be presented on the first day. Textbooks included in course fees. Full Attendance is mandatory.
EJ Freeland Community Centre