CC Pepper Ranch Hunt - Turkey
Pepper Ranch 6315 Pepper Ranch Road Immokalee, FL 34142 Organized by COLLIER COUNTYAbout this event
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Each hunter is required to stay within his/her designated hunting zone within the ranch. Game may be harvested by shotgun, bow, or crossbow. Legal to Hunt: Gobbler or Bearded turkey, wild hog, gray squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, opossum, skunk, and coyote.Turkey harvest limited to 1 gobbler or bearded turkey per quota hunt permit. No limit on wild hogs. For more information about how to apply for a future hunt, please visit:
Age Category
All Ages
PR Pepper Ranch at Pepper Ranch
PR Pole Barn - Small at Pepper Ranch
PR Campground Area at Pepper Ranch
PR Open Space at Pepper Ranch
PR Group Campground North at Pepper Ranch
PR Lodge at Pepper Ranch