January 05 - March 30, 2025
Swim for Life Swimmer 3: Winter 2025 Folder
Innisfail Aquatic Centre 5117 42 Street Innisfail, AB, Canada T4G 1K2 Organized by Town of Innisfail
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About this event
Swimmers will make a splash with their kneeling dives and forward roll entries. Swimmers be challenged with the introduction to more difficult (but fun) skills such as handstands in shallow water and in front somersaults (in water). Increased time and distance components are incorporated for skills learned such as flutter kick on front and back, whip kick on back, front and back crawl, and interval training.This is equal to the Red Cross Swim Kids Level 3,4 program.Stay home when you are sick! Cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell.
Age and Gender
Ages 6-255 · Co-Ed