January 13 - February 17, 2025
Grade 3-7 Swim Team
Aberdeen Hall 890 Academy Way Kelowna, BC, Canada V1V 3A4 Organized by Aberdeen Hall Preparatory School
Registration closed.
About this event
General Information: The goals of the swim team are to foster swim skills, a love of swimming, team spirit, and good sportsmanship within a safe, competitive environment. The emphasis is on participation in a school sport, not skill or ability. We encourage all students who are interested to try out, not just those who already belong to another swim team. As a rough guide-line, Aberdeen Hall Swim Team swimmers are expected to have completed Red Cross Swim Kids 5 or BC Lifesaving Society Swimmer 4 (or currently be part of a swim team) and/or be able to swim a full length (for Grades 3-4) or two lengths (for Grades 5-7) of a 25 meter pool in front crawl and backstroke. This includes having reasonable strokes, and without stopping, touching the bottom, or holding onto the lane rope or side. However, for safety reasons the coaches reserve the right to recommend swimmers return to lessons if they are not yet ready for the swim team. Coaches are not in the water with swimmers and the depth of the water is often over the swimmer’s head. All team members are expected to train as much as possible with the team.
January 13 - February 17, 2025
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
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