Festival of the Sugar Maples | March 8 | 1:15 PM
Coral Woods Conservation Area • 7400 Somerset Marengo, IL 60152 Organized by McHenry County Conservation DistrictAbout this event
We're sorry, but this program is over. The last meeting was Saturday, March 8, 2025.
Festival of the Sugar Maples is a great way to get outside in the crisp spring air! Learn how maple syrup was made hundreds of years ago, how the trees make sap, see several sap collecting methods, and how we make the syrup today.
Registration is recommended and drop ins are welcome. Registering for a time slot guarantees a tour at that time. For those dropping in, there may be a waiting period.
Age Category
Adults and Families
Coral Woods Site at Coral Woods Conservation Area
Age and Gender
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