Yoga Mixed Levels with Kirsten Fall Il Wednesdays
Lake Marion Community Center 8821 East Village Avenue MONTGOMERY VILLAGE, MD 20886 Organized by MONTGOMERY VILLAGE FOUNDATION- INC.About this event
We're sorry, but online registration is not allowed for this activity. Please contact us during regular business hours for registration information. 301-948-0110
Yoga WednesdaysOct.23- Nov.13 7:00pm-8:15pm Lake Marion CCRegardless of experience, yoga has been proven to build strength and improve flexibility and balance, as well as develop skills to help manage stress and bring tranquility to the rest of your week.
Please bring your own yoga mat to all classes (yoga blocks and strap are recommended)
You are required to bring your own yoga mat to all classes. Lake Marion Community Center Deck in the warm months, inside in the cooler months.
If you register after the start date, class fee will be automatically prorated.
Bring your own yoga mat.
Age Category
Lake Marion Comm Deck at Lake Marion Community Center
Lake Marion Comm Center Activity Room at Lake Marion Community Center
Kirsten Schrader