10th Anniversary Race Against Child Abuse Run/Walk
Calesa Township • 8075 SW 63 St Rd Ocala, FL 34481 Organized by Race Against Child AbuseAbout this event
Come celebrate our 10th anniversary with us at the new Calesa Township. You will be able to run/walk through the newly constructed Calesa Township. By registering for the
Race Against Child Abuse 5K you can help Marion County’s children find healing.
Overcoming child abuse and neglect is a difficult process because the road
to healing means children must name and revisit the painful things that
were done to them. This journey is made easier when children and those
who are helping them know they aren’t walking alone.
Event details and schedule
Guaranteed Tshirt or tank to the first 250 runners registered. First 300 runners will receive a challenge medal. This is the second year for our toy chest series medal, every year there will be a different medal "Restoring Childhood Through Play". Also we will giving an award for the largest group of registered participates in event whether you run or walk.
Packet/t-shirt pick-up 7:00 AM
Race starts: 8:00 AM
Lots of prizes and awards
Largest group participation award
Top Law Enforcement Male/Female
Awards given in each 5 year age bracket
7 Photos and VideosUp to $10 off this event
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