From sleeping gear and cookware to hiking boots and jackets, shelling out cash for camping gear can get expensive, especially if you camp with a family. Shop in the right places, however, and you'll find that discount camping gear is readily available.
Instead of paying for brand new, full-priced items, check out these inexpensive options.
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Always Be on the Lookout
This is the number one tenet of buying discount camping gear. When you gradually add items to your gearbox, you can avoid last-minute shopping sprees for necessary, yet expensive, items.
Here are a few places to look for your gear:
Garage sales: One person's trash is another person's treasure. This line could not be truer for camping gear at garage sales. Items you're most likely to find include: lanterns, flashlights, camping stoves, tarps, rope, and other odds and ends.
Classifieds: Whether you look on or in your local paper, make it a habit to read through the outdoors equipment section and see if there's anything worth pursuing
Offseason sales: Offseason is the best time to buy camping gear. It's when stores want to get rid of last year's supply as the new season's equipment hits the shelves. Many retailers also offer large discounts around the holidays, making it a great time to stock up.
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Ask Your Camping Friends
Who said you have to buy your camping gear? Before your next camping trip, take stock of what you have and what you need. Reach out to friends and family to see if they plan to rid of anything. Hand-me-downs are inexpensive, and easy to acquire if you just ask.
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