Instead of jumping on and off the couch or bed, have your kids hop on one leg on top of an indoor hopscotch course. Construct a quick homemade game by placing masking tape on any floor surface in nine connecting squares.
Build the Game: Boxes 1 to 3 should be constructed in a single line, one on top of the other. Boxes 4 and 5 should be placed side by side, followed by a single box (6), two additional boxes (7, 8) and the final box—home base (9). Pick an object, such as a golf or tennis ball, quarter or rock, to be the marker.
How to Play: Player 1 will try to throw the marker into box 1 without it touching the lines or bouncing out of the box. If successful, player 1 will hop, on one foot for single squares and two feet on side-by-side squares, the rest of the course while avoiding box 1. The player may rest on home base before hopping back. On the way back through the course, the player should pick up the marker in box 1. If the player lands within the lines of the course, hops with proper footing and doesn't fall, he or she should take another turn, starting by throwing the marker into box 2. When the first player is unsuccessful, the next player takes a turn. Players resume turns by throwing the marker on the last box played. The winner will be the first player to throw the marker on home base while completing the entire course without error.