GOLDEN EAGLE SWIM SCHOOL OFFERS GROUP LESSONS FOR CHILDREN AGES 4-18. OUR GOAL IS TO TEACH PARTICIPANTS TO SWIM AND HELP THEM BE SAFE IN, ON AND AROUND THE WATER. STUDENTS ADVANCE AT THEIR OWN PACE FROM WATER IMMERSION (HATCHLINGS) TO STROKE SPEED & ENDURANCE / TECHNICAL REFINEMENT (GOLDEN EAGLES). * There will be an assessment of your child to ensure proper group placement for the start day of classes on 3/29/2024. Time and date will be determined at a later date. This assessment should only take about 5 minutes but it is mandatory that they attend one of these sessions. *NO assessment will be needed for Hatchlings-1and Eaglets-2 or previous registrants. * There will be NO class on 4/19/2025 *Make up date if necessary will be 5/17/2025
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