Couch to 5K Training Guide

Training Plans, Tips & Advice for Beginning Runners

Our Couch to 5K running plan helps transition couch potatoes to 5K runners in just 9 weeks. The C25K beginner's running plan has enabled thousands of beginning runners to walk/run their way to their first 5K race.

Couch to 5K Running Articles

Ask The Running Coach #5

Our Certified Run Coach addresses your burning questions! If you've ever had a question you've been dying to ask, now's your chance.

Ask The Running Coach #4

Our Certified Run Coach, Josh Janicek, addresses your burning questions! If you've ever had a question you've been dying to ask, now's your chance.

Ask The Running Coach #3

If you've ever had a question about running you've been dying to ask, now's your chance. Our certified running coach answers them.


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Couch to 5K®

Couch to 5K®

The best way to get new runners off the couch and across the finish line of their first 5K.

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Meet Our Experts

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Pete Rea

Pete Rea has been the head coach at ZAP Fitness, a Reebok-sponsored Team USA Training Center, since the facility's opening in 2002