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August 21 - December 18, 2024

Introduction to Modern Web Development

Basis Independent Silicon Valley UPPER • 1290 Parkmoor Ave San JoseCA  95126 Organized by BASIS Independent Silicon Valley
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About this event

INTRODUCTION TO MODERN WEB DEVELOPMENT Activity Organizer: Woody Zhou Email: woodyzhou@gmail.com Dates: Wednesdays Time: 4:00 PM–5:00 PM Grades: 6–12 Cost: Description: In Intro to Modern Web Development, learn the full process of creating a website, from designing, to scaffolding, to writing the app of your dreams. This club focuses on teaching modern and cutting-edge tools, frameworks, and technologies, that power numerous popular websites like ChatGPT, Notion, and TikTok. Starting with basic JavaScript, we will learn about Node.js and package management with NPM. Then, we will learn React and its design principles. Finally, putting everything together, we will learn rendering paradigms like Server-Side Rendering, and use the powerful Next.js React framework to build our final website. By the end of the course, you will have a functional, fast, and modern website that you can share with your friends and family!


August 21 - December 18, 2024


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Basis Independent Silicon Valley UPPER

1290 Parkmoor Ave San JoseCA  95126

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